A very special treat for you is a very rare gem of a stellar punk rock album. This is the self titled 1990 L.P. from one of the best Southern California NARDCORE punk bands: RAT PACK from Santa Barbara. They were one of the best Mystic Records Label bands, and they had a few singles & a couple of 7" e.p.s starting in 1984. All of their material rules, which I have, yet this self titled full-length release from 1990 is the one you gotta hear. Even folks that are
afraid of the moniker "punk rock" must remember, that's just the "genre" that certain rock n' roll bands or albums fall under. Most great punk bands sound completely different from each other with their own unique sounds, styles, and most importantly, song writing. Black Flag, Dr. Know, Agression, Dead Kennedys, R.K.L., Bad Brains, Minor Threat, Mistfits, Ramones, Iggy Pop, Subhumans, Flower Leperds, Adolescents, etc. sound nothing like each other. They can't just be labeled "punk" bands, because they all have their own styles & sounds.

"In 1984, RAT PACK singer/founder Matt Ratt was covering the vocal duties for R.K.L., while singer Jason Sears was away on "medical leave". During this time R.K.L. was signed on to record for the now infamous "NARDCORE" album on Mystic Records. Just prior to recording, Jason returned from his leave of absense. So left with the dilema of an album to record, and suddenly no band, Matt was told to throw something together quickly and record for the album anyway. So after a few rehearsals with Chris Rest and Alpo D.(borrowed from R.K.L.) Dave Casillas from STALAG 13 and Mike Torres from NARTHEX STRUCTURE, RAT PACK was born! Although originaly only meant to be a recording project for the NARDCORE album, RAT PACK ended up doing three records for Mystic, 1985's self titled 7", 1987's "Ice Cream Acid and Cigarettes" 7" and 1990's self titled full length Lp. Through the years RAT PACK has gone through long periods of hibernation, with many line up changes...people that have played in and recorded with RAT PACK include current and former members of bands such as NOFX, SOCIAL DISTORTION, STALAG 13, THE ADOLESCENTS, D.I., SUGAR CULT, HOLLYWOOD HATE, FOO FIGHTERS, LAG WAGON, R.K.L., NO USE FOR A NAME, and ME FIRST AND THE GIMME GIMME'S."

Rat Pack 1990 lineup (Winnebago pic left to right):
Sean E. Vader - Drums
M.j.p.- Bass
Thirsty Al the III (Alpo) - Vocals, Guitar
Matt Ratt - Vocals, Guitar
While Rat Pack is a punk band, this album has amazing hooks, riffs & heavy fun time melodic tunes & GREAT SONGWRITING that should have been on every radio station in the U.S.A. in 1990. But, a low-budget band like this never got on the radio. YOU MUST DOWNLOAD THIS, YOU & EVEN YOUR GIRLFRIEND WILL LOVE IT! Search for the hidden download link and enjoy!

Very excellent album. One Track Mind and Think of You are two of my favorites. Thanks for posting this.
Cool site. There were many bands in ventura and oxnard back then. Let's not forget Heroes of Noise, SSA, Belial, and No Serenity. There are even more that I'm forgetting at this time (that never made it to vinyl).
Thanks for keeping the memories alive!
Rat pack can offer the public some of the best music young people pursue which it has melodic tunes the band is fairly versatile. The last time I went to a concert of that band a couple of girls were giving Viagra Online.
I'm poor but rich in memories, happy to get $50 & a pizza for recording an album on mystic records.Im still playing in bands,& give %110 every time we play.i love it .thanks to all.Alpo D
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