Hi folks! I am sorry for not being around more - I've been slammed with work & the move of our business to a new location! I promise to post at least once every week & 1/2 or so. I hope you all have enjoyed my last post of the phenomenal 1990 punk album by Rat Pack - I know Evan did!
Well here we go, it's Mr. Spock's Music From Outer Space from 1967!
This is just an all around awesome album from the fun & interesting Leonard Nimoy. Excellent narrative, singing, and the music is fantastic! Of course I love & grew up with the ORIGINAL STAR TREK (new generation was lame except for Picard). Just like the show, you get really cool wisdom & creativity from Nimoy & Mr. Spock all rolled into one! We also get a version of the theme song from the awesome "Mission Impossible" TV show that Nimoy co-starred on as well.
Here's a review:"The original sixties classic, "Mr. Spock's Music from Outer Space" is perhaps the most sought after Nimoy album. Like a piece of fine blue cheese, thirty years have added another dimension to this remarkable debut.
Under the strict creative control of Paramount, the album includes marvellously camp big-beat versions of the "Theme from Star Trek", "Beyond Antares" and of course the "Theme to Mission Impossible", all without any visible input from Mr. Nimoy. Tasteful covers such as "Music to Watch Space Girls By" add substance to the instrumental section of the album.
In lieu of a theremin or similar electronic instrument, the Star Trek instrumentals feature a screaming reverb-laden combo organ with all vibrato switches "set to stun". Musical accompaniment is provided by a Ventures style surf group with a liberal supply of thetamine .

If "Two Sides of Leonard Nimoy" is the White Album of Star Trek recordings, this is Sargeant Pepper. Stand-out tracks include "Twinkle Twinkle Little Earth" (Spock addressing a conference of "little green men"), "Alien" (a poignant cry against prejudice on behalf of Vulcan visitors to Earth) and "Visit to a Sad Planet" (where Spock visits the Earth after a nuclear holocaust in seeming ignorance of earlier Star Trek time-travel plots).
The album also features "Where Is Love?" from "Oliver", & a cover of Weill's "Lost in the Stars". (Fans of Kurt Weill broadway recordings of the 50's and 60's will appreciate what exceptionally tough competition Nimoy faces for this honor).
Worth the extortionate collectors' prices as one of the greatest party records of all time."
This can be rare to find & super expensive, so get it now! You'll love this album. This is way ahead of its' time, just like Gene Roddenberry's amazing vehicle of morality, wisdom, science, and the glorius unknown! Search for the hidden download link & enjoy!

01. Theme From "Star Trek" - (from the TV series "Star Trek")
02. Alien
03. Where Is Love? - (from "Oliver")
04. Music To Watch Space Girls By
05. Beyond Antares - (from the TV series "Star Trek")
06. Twinkle, Twinkle Little Earth
07. Mission Impossible - (from the TV series "Mission Impossible")
08. Lost In The Stars
09. Where No Man Has Gone Before - (from the TV series "Star Trek")
10. You Are Not Alone
11. A Visit To A Sad Planet
12. Highly Illogical
13. The Difference Between Us
14. Once I Smiled
15. Spock Thoughts
16. By Myself
17. Follow Your Star
18. Amphibious Assault
Ok, I give! Where is the link? I am dying to hear this one!!!
Thanks for another great post.
Hi folks I just fixed the download link, ENJOY! Check back for more posts soon!
Totally weirdo album, I must have it! Thanks Jason I can't wait to listen to it.
Beautiful and it sounds so much better than my scratchy vinyl. Top notch work.
This is amazing!
Thank you so much!
I love to listen this
pls listen music
I searched everywhere but could not find the link. Where is it?!
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