I thought I'd start this first 2008 post wth a bang! Here is the original soundtrack from one of my top 5 favorite movies: "MEATBALLS" from 1979! Containing some sound bites, it was recorded exclusively from 8-track cassette! I recorded this in I believe 2005. Now it is finally shared with everyone else in this sparkling, stellar form! I just love "MEATBALLS" as it represents everything from my early childhood that was still great about America. If you haven't seen the movie in a while or are younger and haven't seen it, it rules! It's hilarious & also very touching in my opinion. Bill Murray, all the other goofball camp counselors & kids have a whacky summer blast! Just like it was back then!
I was soo lucky to have been born in the early 1970s, as I believe on up through the 1980s we still had those old American family values & fun! Also, I was soo lucky to have gone 1 time to summer camp with my best friend Eric! Every kid in this country should go to summer camp at least once.

The score of course is by the maestro composer Elmer Bernstein ("An American Werewolf In London", Heavy Metal", etc.) so you know it's special! And the other songs just rule by a classic bunch of artists like: David Naughton (Dr. Pepper commercial song & star of "An American Werewolf In London", etc.), Terry Black, Mary MacGregor, and Rick Dees! Plus songs from the cast, you can't loose! Hail the beloved 1970s & 1980s! Hunt for the hidden download link & enjoy!

Track listing:
1. Are You Ready for the Summer (01:45) Music by Elmer Bernstein, Lyrics by Norman Gimbel. Performed by Camp North Star Kids Chorus
2. Moondust (02:39) (Elmer Bernstein-Norman Gimbel) Performed by Terry Black
3. C.I.T Song (01:28) (J. Blum) Performed by the original cast
4. Rudy & Tripper (01:33) (Elmer Bernstein)
5. Rudy & Tripper (cont'd) (01:33) (Elmer Bernstein)
6. Makin' It (06:54) (D. Fekaris-F. Perren) Performed by David Naughton
7. Olympiad (01:34) (Elmer Bernstein)
8. Meatballs (04:55) (Elmer Bernstein-Norman Gimbel) Performed by Rick Dees
9. Rudy Wins the Race (01:08) (Elmer Bernstein)
10. Rudy Wins the Race (cont'd) (01:35) (Elmer Bernstein)
11. Good Friend (02:39) (Elmer Bernstein-Norman Gimbel) Performed by Mary MacGregor
12. Moondust (Reprise)/Are You Ready for the Summer (Reprise) Elmer Bernstein-Norman Gimbel) Performed by Terry Black/Camp North Star Kids Chorus (03:07)
UPDATE!: I just read the comment from Ellis Van Sofa about being in the "Camp Northstar Kids Chorus" with Elmer's daughter Emily, WOW! How cool is that? Ahh the wonderful old days of America, never forgotten!
hey jason!
just sent you reply to e-mail you sent me. you cool bro and your blog cool too. this is weird cause i was on your blog the other day and saw you didn't represent by linking to awesome fucking soundtrack blog. it kicka ass ya know? Anyway. good post. i never seen this movie cause you older and i was born in '80. i old fucker not as old as you tho. hehehhe. anyway i will download cause you recommend. bill murray is the man! he my cuz you didn't know!? yeah cuz my last name murray too! LOL!!!!
Anyway keep blogging bro. your blog is bitchin'! visit my blog often at The Inferno Music Crypt (for your readers i point out cause they don't know me like you know me)
take care and have a wonderful new year!
The Long Island Ripper
Man, I thought I was the only one who still had 8-tracks and a player! You're probably gonna get some people in here who don't even know what an 8-track is... but they'll know what it's like to feel old soon enough!
Thanks for the album! Also wanted to let you know that I gave you a big plug. Glad to see you're back, hope you're in better health in '08!
Thanks for this post & all the praise of my blog Vinnie, you rule bro! Yeah keep checkin' it all out. Take care.
Great to see you have gotten back into posting agian! Havent seen the movie, but Bill Murray is great, so ill check it out. Ive got the Clockwork Orange soundtrack on 8-Track in a box somewhere, thinking I should pull that out too. Thanks for the add on your links agin, and good luck with your new computer!
Jason, good to see you are back to posting!
Jason – Hey man, good to see you back in action. I’m doing pretty well, bored out of my mind but I’m content for the time being. Thanks a lot for sharing this one, I was looking for it recently for some reason I don't remember at the moment, hopefully downloading it will remind me. Whatever the reason was thanks again for sharing.
I didn't realize 8-tracks ever sounded this good. Thanks!
That meatballs soundtrack... wow, what a dig!!!!
Good work sir!!!
Awesome. Thanks so much for doing this. I have this on LP and have been meaning to get around to convert it to digital. You saved me some work. Sound quality is great. Thanks again.
Thank you so much. I've been looking for this soundtrack for YEARS ever since I saw the movie on television. I never thought of the possibility that it was released on an 8 track...
Thanks! Once again my friend you have brought back some of the finest memories life has to offer!
Meatballs is the epitamy of every summer camp I ever suffered through in the 70's and 80's and I just gotta thank you for this little slice of pure magic!
Sorry I haven't been around sooner but I suffered a heart attack and have been taking it very easy... Quit smoking, stopped drinking coffee, and now I'm on a strict diet that leaves me wondering what's left to life?
Thanks again!
I stumbled upon your site and low and behold found this perfect gem . . . Just wanted to say thank you so much for taking time to do this!
Thanks for posting! Meatballs is perhaps the best Bill Murray movie ever!
After much searching I got the Movie Sountrack. I'll email it to anyone interesetd. hikerguy2012@lycos.com
Thanks so much for this. I was lucky enough to be in the same class with Elmer's daughter Emily when the movie was being made and got to be a member of the Camp Northstar Kids Chorus.
Hi Ellis! Wow what an awesome honor for you my friend! In the "Camp Northstar Kids Chorus" with Elmer's daughter eh, YOU RULE! All I can say is WOW! That is soo awesome. Ahh, the glory days of America. They live forever! Thanks for sharing the info. Take care & don't be a stranger Ellis.
Hey just saw the movie last week and it brough back a lot of memories. Had a friend that looked just like Morty, funny thing is he was the practical joker.
Undoubtedly some of Bill Murray's best work. The movies back then were great, funny, romantic... and teen-a-lewd. It gave us something to think about over the summer when us tween and teen guys oogled over the girls. Big sigh, yeah I'm stuck in the 70's, wish I could go back there and do it all over again. "Next...Up the creek.." another great summer time movie they need to bring back. Thanks Nightchiller. Really appreciate the time tunnel!
I'm watching the movie right and can't stop singing these songs. A true classic.
Chevy Chase has Fletch, Eddie Murphy has Beverly Hills Cop, and Bill Murray has Meatballs.
Had to cheat and look at the page source to find the link. Took me back to the old days of the internet.
What am I missing for finding the link? I've got the "ready for the summer song running through my head and I really want to hear it again.
@Spencer ...click on the last image of Bill Murray just before the track listing...Are you ready for the summer?!?! What a great flick...thanks!!!
Thanks a million.
Bro, I love you so much. I would have paid for this thing, I WANTED to pay for it. But you can't get it anywhere!!!!!
So yes, you are my hero, thank you times fifty million, if you ever come to San Francisco you can stay at my house and I will serve you food and drinks and drugs and we will hijack a sailboat to Alcatraz and have a rave to this soundtrack.
Bro, I love you so much. I would have paid for this thing, I WANTED to pay for it. But you can't get it anywhere!!!!!
So yes, you are my hero, thank you times fifty million, if you ever come to San Francisco you can stay at my house and I will serve you food and drinks and drugs and we will hijack a sailboat to Alcatraz and have a rave to this soundtrack.
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