Hi folks! Even though this new post is long overdue, I am closing the gap on the lag time between my new posts. Plus, I want you to hopefully savor each one. Here I have TUESDAY KNIGHT's (star of "A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master") self-titled solo pop-rock album from 1987! As you may recall, Tuesday who starred as "Kristen", also had a song on the movie soundtrack: "Nightmare", which played over the opening of the film. It's a cool song. Kristen was the star character from "A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: The Dream Warriors", and Tuesday took over the role for part 4. I was in Junior High at the time this came out. Tuesday gives the character that down to earth & genuine quality of teenage girl who's intelligent and not just some dumb dumb you don't care about. The character "Alice" takes over as the star later in the film.

Present day, and my buddy Phelpster over at The Manchester Morgue told me about a year ago that Tuesday Knight had a solo record. So, I found the self-titled 1987 album on cassette in brand new condition. I finally just got around to recording it and it came out nice. Tuesday has 10 pop-rock tunes here that are unmistakingly '80s sounding in composition, instrumentation & vocal delivery, and excellent production. I've barely listened to it yet but I will more. After studying about Tuesday I have found that she is as genuine as her character from NOES 4. Of course, she's a '70s / '80s kid like me so that rules! Her late father Baker Knight, was a talented musician and songwriter with hits as far back as the 1950's. She has been in tv & film since her debut, and performs with a David Bowie tribute band these days called "Space Oddity".

Thought I'd mention she has a very successful clothing company called "Tuesday's Hip Vintage", and is friends with and has made fashion pieces for Britney Spears, Madonna, etc..

I just watched NOES 4 two nights ago as it had been awhile since I'd watched it. It's great fun and I saw it alot as a youth. One cool thing I'll mention is that Kincaid's radical dog that pisses fire in the movie is named Jason!

Here's a great, recent interview from "Icons Of Fright" with Tuesday that will show you just how cool she is. She has awesome taste in horror flicks and other stuff:
Download this album which also contains the song "Nightmare" from the hidden download link and enjoy!
Track List:
01 Out Of Control
02 Temporary Obsession
03 The Harder You Love
04 You're Gonna Need Somebody
05 Celebrate Love
06 After The Night Is Gone
07 Little By Little
08 Why You Wanna Treat Me So Bad (this is a Prince cover)
09 Never Too Late
10 Knowing You're There